Basics For Tax Abatements

There are numerous common value issues that can be raised on appeal: Comparable listings or sales Existing zoning Functional or External Obsolescence Loss of visibility or signage Land with out-sized demolition or grading costs Floodplain Environmental issues External Nuisances-Public or Private Land improvement defects This is a short version, there are many more issues. Tax […]

Expert Testimony Details

Chet Rogers, MAI   Expert Disclosure Statement DATE PURPOSE LOCATION REPORT JUDICIARY BRANCH/ATTORNEY 8/24/2017 scheduled Eminent Domain 3 Pine St. Nashua, NH 160130 NH Hillsborough County Superior Court Bill Barry, Esq. Barry & Honorow, P.L.L.C. 8/22/2017 scheduled Tax Abatement 145 Broad St. Claremont, NH 170202 NH Sullivan County Superior Court Robert Carey, Esq                                                    Orr & Reno […]

Eminent Domain Details

Eminent Domain can involve a full taking of the property or a partial taking. Full Taking  The valuation of a full taking is straight-forward, you just appraise the property as it were a sale or a re-finance. Most any appraiser can do this. Partial Taking When a taking is less than the entire property, it […]

What is an IRS “Qualified” Appraisal. Who is a “Qualified” Appraiser?

Appraisals of land, especially land with subdivision potential, are substantially different from typical residential property appraisals. Appraisals of conservation easements are even more highly specialized. The IRS has specific requirements for reporting on and determining the value of charitable gifts. These are highly detailed and complex for gifts of property valued at more than $5,000, […]

Posted in IRS


The Time Line below is from The Appraisal of Real Estate 14th edition: The 30 Months total is only illustrative, and not a prediction for any project. In New Hampshire, it is not unusual for the Permitting Phase alone to take 18-24 months. The financial agencies’ appraisal regulations define a “tract development” as a project […]

IRS Form 8283 and Appraisal Rules

IRS Form 8283 is required for all non-cash contributions valued at greater than $500. While the land trust’s signature on Form 8283 does not represent agreement with the claimed value, the IRS has asked that land trusts use common sense in questioning appraisals that seem inflated and that land trusts help landowners do the right […]

Posted in IRS

Appraisals for Subdivisions: Two Approaches

There are two basic ways to do a residential subdivision appraisal. 1.Compare it to sales of similar subdivisions. Good if you can get it, but seldom do you have data for this kind of analysis. 2.A market analysis that considers existing inventory of house lots and absorption rates going forward. These two examples are redacted […]

Six Steps to a Happy Conservation Easement

Going through the donation of a conservation easement on your land can be an arduous process. The intent here is to give you an overview of the process from start to finish so you’ll know what to expect. 1. Purpose – There must be conservation related purpose to the conservation easement, like preserving a wildlife […]

Step 1: Purposes of a Conservation Easement

One step of Six Steps to a Happy Conservation Easement To qualify for a tax deduction, a conservation easement must be for one or more conservation purposes. Internal Revenue Code Section 170(h) defines when the conveyance of less than all of a person’s interest in real property (e.g., a conservation easement) may still qualify as […]

Step 2: Conservation Easement Options

One step of Six Steps to a Happy Conservation Easement You have lots of options as to which rights you choose to keep and which rights you choose to donate with a conservation easement. You can donate a conservation easement or donate the land “fee simple” A “fee simple” conveyance means you give up all […]